I am day 31

When you are a significant way into your journey, but still at the beginning, knowing why you are placing one foot in front of the other is crucial. You will be seeing some results, you may think you have achieved sufficient to be happy to stop. But you have not; that is called compromise or in terms of this journey, failure. Now I am not adverse to failure, it is a fantastic teacher and it is part of success; it is part of life. I deal well with failure, it is energising in some ways and the lessons learned when things do fail are some of my most treasured skills, my reservoir of knowledge. I dip into it regularly and it never fails to offer up a solution; a tried and test one at that.

So when the road behind looks long but the road ahead looks impossible that is the time to shorten the road ahead, to take it one step at a time, not to look far to the horizon but the look down at your feet. To march, skip, dance, twirl a while on this section of your path. Disrupt your steps, make each one an adventure, a story, a privilege…to step to your own beat and look for the meaning in your tune.

The steps on these days are the continuity; of thought, intent and belief. Later when you look back at the whole journey, these steps are the brightest, the ribbon of light that strings together each step and runs from the first to the last. So slow if you need to, but do not stop.

I am day 31

Annie Keki

As a designer I enjoy the time I spend developing ideas and creating beautiful things. As a human being I enjoy the time I spend developing myself.


I Am Day 41


I am day 21