Meditation, like so many things, is different things to different people. From the axis of a life to a form of mindfulness. Some people use meditation at a profound level, to navigate their life, decision making and world. Others use it more like a form of day dreaming, a few minutes of a lack of concentration, an empty mind or an escape. It has the ability to be many things. Meditation is an opportunity to bring some space to your thinking, to create some alteration in the speed at which you, your thoughts and decisions are travelling, to put some distance between action and reaction; to provide time to contemplate just what it is you need. For some meditation is an empty time, for others, including us, it is a time of sound. Our guided meditation using the human voice and sound will gently take you on a journey. It is content free, so you will introduce your own personal meaning and discover your own perspective. You will achieve a quietness, calmness and stillness that enables you to experience yourself in an altered state of consciousness and explore new horizons from your own personal perspective and with your own personal meanings.

We offer guided meditation 3 morning a week; 9.45am Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, from our beautiful studio at Woodend Mill One. Sessions last about 1 hour and you will need to bring your own mat, blanket and pillow (if you want to use one). You can be seated or lay down and there are no rules, you will find your own natural ability to relax profoundly and enjoy the pleasure of the session. You will be energise and ready to embrace your day. Numbers are limited for these group sessions, so book early.

We also offer private sessions for individuals or groups of family and friends, a wonderful way to boost your energy and enjoy a beautiful shared experience. A wonderful way to celebrate and manage your birthday, pregnancy, wedding, divorce or other life experience.