Inspired by Life

I am me…

I could write pages of how I got here, how qualified I am, how you should use me… but why?

What I can tell you with total conviction is; I am me.  A totally authentic, unapologetic me.  The person I was born to be with all my wonderfulness and flaws.  I love my life. Every time I wake from sleeping, I pause; just for a second, before being thankful to continue, at least for a short time, with a life I love and am grateful for.

 I live my precious life in truth with respect and consideration of all other living creatures and this beautiful planet we all call home.


My interest in helping you become the person you recognise as your true self is part of a longer journey.  A journey in which I have witnessed people living ill-fitting lives they barely recognise.  A journey that has shown me we really are all unique.  Yes, we share many common traits and may respond in similar ways to similar situations but when you take a closer look; we are all distinctive.  There is no, one size fits all solutions to what you are feeling, experiencing or aiming to achieve.

Our Approach

We offer one to one talking therapy, clinical hypnotherapy and life coaching, all delivered in a loving, safe environment that allows you to think what you need to think, say what you need to say and learn what you need to learn.

The support we deliver is modern, relevant and tailored not only to you but the world you inhabit.  Unlike many other experiences available the one I offer is not focused on me understanding you but on you understanding you.  We quite openly say we have none of your answers, but we can free you to find them within yourself and once you find them, we will assist you to understand them and learn how to apply them in your life.  The most beautiful aspect of having your own answers, within yourself, is that as you move forward and expand your life and horizons you will always know where to find them and how to use them.


Honesty is important if you wish to live your life to your own design, it is important both to be honest with yourself and to be brave enough to be honest with the wider world.

Honesty is a mark of respect and gives you the courage of your convictions without fear you are storing up future problems.  What I have learned is, when you are living your true life, your honesty, though often unexpected, is usually well received.

People who seek us out are generally interested in their own life at a particular juncture.  It could be you are questioning how you got to where you are, who you are, why you are less satisfied than you expected, what route you should take, how on earth you can cope with this moment in time; or you are in crisis and unable to think of anything but the overwhelming place you find yourself.  For whatever reason, my advice, and I rarely give it, is that if you feel you need some help you are probably right.  There is no better protector of you than yourself; if some part of you is telling you to get some help you should listen.

We have worked with people who needed a little more self-belief for an interview and people who cannot imagine their life will ever be worth living.  Throughout our lives we are somewhere on a spectrum of emotion and often we are likely to need no help at all to navigate our situation.  Recognising when we need a little help and employing it is a wise and prudent thing to do.

Modern therapy is a tool like any other we use to assist us achieve a particular job.  If you had a field to plough you would be unlike to shun a plough or a tractor and set about it with your fingertips.  You may need a little training to use the plough or tractor but once you had it the job would be completed efficiently and the field ready for planting.  So why when you have a life in need of understanding would you opt not to take the opportunity to use the tools available.  It is very likely you have the tools and just need a little direction in their use.


All the services we offer are completely personal and centred on your particular moment and situation.  Although people seek help with specific things; as you will know our lives, personalities and actions are inextricably linked so whatever you are working on it is likely to involve other areas and aspects of you.

While it is inappropriate to make sweeping statements; I am confident whatever you are feeling is natural so do not be ashamed to talk about it.  Difficulties you are experiencing are within your power to better understand and address, you just need a little help for a time.  

One thing we really do all have in common is we all experience difficulties, so you are not alone or unique in needing some help.

Journeys I can join you on start with a conversation, so before anything can begin you will need an initial consultation to express what you wish to share and hope to achieve.  From there, if needed, your route forward will be designed specifically for you, tailored to your need and your method of dealing with things.  You will get the opportunity to take control of things under my gentle guidance, always with love and honesty.  The most positive thing I can tell you is that as a human being you are uniquely capable to achieve almost whatever you focus on doing.  So be mindful what you focus on.