Our services.

  • Anxiety & Panic Attacks.

    Although it can sometimes feel like there is nothing you can do, like your life will never again be carefree and that you are alone, you are not. We will help you understand, manage and beat your anxiety and panic attacks, giving you your life back again.

  • Art Therapy

    Expressing your feelings, emotions and thoughts; using art is a wonderfully freeing experience and by art we mean creative outlet. We use painting, drawing, mark making, sculpture, written and spoken word and performance to allow you to explore the invisible, the monumental and everything in-between. We are all capable of finding a way to express ourselves; even when we do not have words. When you are ready to make your mark, we ill be here for you.

  • Confidence Building

    If we had to say what we specialise in…this would be it. Confidence is the key to so many of life opportunities, to dealing with situations and people, to taking what is rightfully yours and believing your voice is important and should be heard. It is such an abstract concept, but Confidence is within you and if you wish to learn how to use it to ensure you live your life to the full; we will teach you…and we will love doing it.

  • Depression.

    Depression is a clinical state, not something you can just snap out off. Depression results for many reasons, often unexpectedly and sometimes unrecognised at first. It is important to understand, you are not alone and you will overcome this, we are here to help.

  • Fears & Phobia.

    If fear or phobia is holding you prisoner in your own life you will appreciate just how debilitating it can be. Your whole life affected by something most other people seem to deal with daily. Find freedom, learn to manage it and move forward without this burden.

  • Fertility

    If there is no medical reason, but you are experiencing fertility issues, clinical hypnosis can help you reset. Take the space you need to relieve pressure. Allow your body to return to a natural pattern of performance and give yourself the best chance to rediscover everything else your relationship holds. This is a journey couples can embark on together.

  • Finding Your Happiness

    When things are darkest it can be difficult to find your happiness or even remember when you last experienced it. By working on the areas of your life that cause you unhappiness and implementing real change you can live a life with the happiness you deserve.

  • Hypnobirthing.

    This wonderfully natural method to self-manage and enjoy your pregnancy and the birthing process has been used for many years. It has recently attracted wider attention. Now frequently used by midwives and the NHS. Hypnosis allows you to gain insight into how your body and mind work, especially during child birth, to imagine all that will happen and prepare for birth and the new life it brings. Read full course details of this fabulous natural method or call us on 07583 457849

  • IBS

    Clinical hypnosis can bring a balance and calm to your disrupted body patterns. Over the course of three in-person sessions together with listening to a daily audio you gain deeper understand of what your digestion system experiences due to IBS, how to manage the condition and lessen or eradicate the negative impact on your daily life. IBS responds well to a holistic approach that treats the whole person; body and mind. Read full course details.

  • Improve Self Esteem

    We may not know why we feel less than fabulous. Perhaps you never learnt how great you are or life and all it presents has taken its tole on your perception of yourself. Improving your self esteem is key to presenting an honest version of you to the world. Telling the world, who you are and what you want. From getting the job you want to meeting the partner you desire your self esteem is influential. It’s serious.

  • Insomnia & Sleep Disruption

    Sleep…’knits up the ravelled sleeve of care’ a wise bard once said. A severe lack of sleep impacts every other aspect of life. There is no ‘right’ amount of sleep, we are all different. The appropriate amount of sleep is an amount that allows all other areas of your health and activity to function well. Changing what you do, with our support, will allow you to establish better patterns of sleep, and all that involves.

  • Life Coaching

    Sometimes making time to stand back and fully evaluate your life, you find what you want, see the real impact of things you do and explore how you want to feel. If you do not know if you’re coming or going, have achieved much of what you wanted and find it does not make you happy. Taking a forensic and honest look at everything lets you find what you really want and how to achieve it. Then the real work starts.

  • Stop Smoking

    Often people who smoke call it a ‘habit’, resigned to the belief it is part of them and unlikely to change. People who say they ‘wish’ to stop smoking give themselves the impression it is an unlikely dream. Those who ‘want’ to give up smoking will do so. Clinical hypnosis helps you achieve what you want. If you want to become a permanent non-smoker, you will. To stop a harmful, self-destructive, outdated practice contact us and become the non-smoker you were born to be. When you want to breath in fresh air and new life get in touch.

  • Weight Loss, Control and Management.

    Become your perfect shape and size by learning and applying safe, natural changes you will embrace for the rest of your life; ensuring you remain your perfect shape and size forever. No diets, weighing or measuring either of yourself or your food. Often people have tried many things before turning to this safe, natural method that uses your abilities to manage your shape and size…just like you manage breathing…effortlessly. Happy Slimmer course options.