I Am Day 41

Heading towards a third of the way through; a time where there is incentive to keep going. Having already experienced difficult time along with the breezy ones you not only feel incentivised to continue but reluctance to give in. Your resolve is fed by the knowledge you have just completed what you now need to do again. There is no question you can do it, you just did it…you now just need to keep doing it.

Keep on keeping on…we are heading into a time of year I love. That makes things easier. But what makes things easiest is the results I am experiencing now. At the start of this project I knew (as I have learned for my previous projects) the day I decide to do something is motivating because I can honestly say to myself; '‘by the end of today, I will be a little bit closer to where I am going’. That is a truism. No matter how many times I repeat it, it remains true and inspirational. So I do repeat it, every day of every journey. I also often reflect at the end of the day, that I have completed the step I considered that morning, I am a little bit closer to my destination and it feels wonderful.

Each person uses their own techniques, for me I don’t talk about what I am doing. I don’t make proclamations of what I am setting out to do, or why. It is a deeply personal journey. One that is not likely to be relevant to others. I do not find the need to explain what I am doing or to need others to comment. For me it is a personal goal, an intention I set for myself and work to achieve with myself.

So today, I not only have the vision of what I will achieve to pull me forward to the reality of what I have achieved to push me forward. To forces working to carry me in the direction of my choice. And the journey has a persona, it is unfolding its narrative, exposing little treasures of wisdom. No matter how many times I have discovered how capable I am, this journey will have unique moments that show me another glimpse of that inner me. The resolve, resourcefulness and reward-focused me that is never afraid to embark on a journey of my choosing but is always interested to learn who I am along the way.

Annie Keki

As a designer I enjoy the time I spend developing ideas and creating beautiful things. As a human being I enjoy the time I spend developing myself.


Guided Meditation


I am day 31