Your Own Green Energy

Your mind is so powerful, you can flatten hills with it.  Yes if you have never fully explored the power of your mind, take the time to discover what may be the most useful tool you will ever use.  The more you explore and discover just how powerful your mind is, the more able you will be to harness that energy to fuel your dreams. Depending on how often you take a moment to consider just who you are, it may be some time since you acknowledged just what a unique, wonderful, complex and interesting individual you are.  I wonder if you remember the last time you used all your power, you acknowledged your wonderful uniqueness, you spoke kind and reassuring words intended only for your consumption.  Whenever it may have been, take today to spend a few minutes being thankful for who you are.  Remembering you are remarkable, amazing and deserving of all the delight life has to offer you.  Be open to the idea you can be who you are with passion, flair and honesty.  Let your own words express what you feel, what you want and who you are.  Be proud to be you and in those few minutes embrace all of you.  Take those kind words and feeling with you today, repeat them often and enjoy them.  They are literally like fuel for your day.  The next time you have a hill to climb, grit your teeth, relax and image it as flat as you need it to be.  With each step, placing one foot in front of the other, no matter how small the steps may be, you will make that hill flat until you stand atop it feeling the full gradient of your achievements.  And like all green energy you will find you are renewed, replenished, filled with the energy you need for the next hill on your horizon.

Annie Keki

As a designer I enjoy the time I spend developing ideas and creating beautiful things. As a human being I enjoy the time I spend developing myself.

Thank You


The Power of A Smile