
Queen Grandma by Tonie Rigby at The Forgotten Gallery

Queen Grandma by Tonie Rigby at The Forgotten Gallery

I love my positivity, I am thankful for it and constantly aware of it. Being naturally positive allows me to be fearless and permits me to survive negativity. I learned a long time ago people will say…’I wish I could be like you’, but they do not mean it. I always think…well you can, but it turns out they cannot. So I learned that while I cannot necessarily make other people more positive, they cannot make me less so.

I often find myself thinking how awesome it is to be able to deal with difficulties with positivity, it somehow dissolves the problems and allows the solutions to be seen clearly. It allows me to keep going when others would give up and it fuels my knowledge that…I can. Because I know I can…I do!

Annie Keki

As a designer I enjoy the time I spend developing ideas and creating beautiful things. As a human being I enjoy the time I spend developing myself.

I Love The Sunshine

